The New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association (NJLCA) is proud to announce that they have partnered with I Want to Mow Your Lawn Inc.

“The NJLCA and our Board were so impressed with what the IWTMYL organization does, and the fact that it was born in the great State of New Jersey, we knew we had to work with Brian Schwartz to help increase the reach of this endeavor,” said Richard Goldstein, President of the NJLCA. He continues, “NJLCA feels it is important to partner with IWTMYL because Brian and his organization are a true picture of the people that make up our industry, who give back and care for the communities they work for and in.”

Headquartered in Wayne, New Jersey, I Want to Mow Your Lawn Inc. ( ) is a national non-profit platform providing essential lawn services for the elderly, military veterans, and others in need through its network of helpers. Its grassroots movement consists of college students, “empty nesters”, working professionals, people in between jobs, recent retirees, landscaping contractors and socially responsible companies — serving on both the landscaping frontlines and/or back-office. As the organization continues to build on its mission, use of battery-powered electric equipment is welcomed and encouraged to contribute towards a cleaner earth. We display eco-friendly website badges on individual profiles for those that indicate any use of electric battery-powered. And while we are being forward thinking with the eventual transition to electric, we still welcome gas powered equipment owners as we can use all the help we can get as clients get in touch through phone voicemails, website requests, social media and emails on the daily.

Volunteers have the option of offering services at no cost for the first time, and discount future visits, or on an ongoing basis for veterans, senior citizens and those in need. As part of the partnership, members of the NJLCA will receive a badge on their listing which denotes they are a member of the organization.

In addition, the Pay It Forward Marketplace gives options for people who don’t have the ability to help physically but want to give back and contribute in other ways. It’s like a Facebook Marketplace but linking up equipment owners with IWTMYL’s network of volunteers. If one has any type of landscaping equipment, they can opt to either loan or donate operational equipment for volunteers in the network.

“We are excited to partner and work with I Want to Mow Your Lawn and look forward to further synergies we have together,” says NJLCA Executive Director Gail Woolcott.

Further Information:

If you have an extra 30 minutes on any given route with your landscaping equipment, it makes a world of a difference for someone that usually can’t afford to have regular lawn maintenance done or can’t do it themselves physically. They might have served in the military and made sacrifices to protect our freedoms and it’s just a small way to say thanks for their service. Although there’s not a profit to be made on those particular visits, you feel good and make an instant difference helping someone and being a hero in your neighborhood. And it comes back in other ways! Future customers are more likely to select to do business with a company that gives back to their community. Or a neighbor might just walk over while you’re doing the charitable work and ask you for a price. There are no commitments nor fees to list with our registered non-profit. You can select to do any new client’s first job free for extra features and promotions across our social media with our organization or even do all repeat jobs free for clients in need referred by I Want to Mow Your Lawn for increased visibility. These are people who heard about us on TV, Radio, Print or through their caretakers and usually don’t have landscaping contracts in place. We give options to set expectations upfront about frequency of visits such as one-time, bi-weekly or monthly.

We also understand you have a business to run and you can select to provide exclusive Senior Discounts and/or Military Discounts – which ultimately provides relief for these people with your future repeat visits. It’s better than them having to pay citations by their local municipality for overgrown yards! Win-win all around. Online web badges (Seniors & Military) indicating such discounts are available and auto displayed on your IWTMYL Profile to spiff it up – almost like Boy Scouts or an Uber for landscaping helpers.

Steps to Get Involved

  1. Volunteer Sign Up Form

    Volunteer Sign Up Form

    Signup as a Landscaping Company on the Volunteer Sign-Up Page.

  2. Select IF First Job Free, IF you would like to offer future discounts or give an option for others to ‘Name their Price’ for both Seniors and/or Military Vets, plus Frequency of Visits
  3. Select “NJLCA Member” inside the Associations box.

The Pay It Forward Marketplace gives options for people who don’t have the ability to help physically but want to give back and contribute in other ways. It’s like a Facebook Marketplace but linking up equipment owners with our network of volunteers.  If one has any type of landscaping equipment, they can opt to either loan or donate operational equipment for volunteers in our network.

For the lending side: One might have a lawn mower sitting in their garage 28 out of 30 days of the year where that can be put to use by someone else we’ve vetted and approved into our network that can pick-up the mower and put it to use and drop it back off. There’s a myriad of volunteers who want to help physically but haven’t had the need to use equipment such as those living in apartments or living in a dorm room. Or they may have a landscaping contract in place but wouldn’t mind doing some physical outdoor work helping others.

And on the straight donation side:  an active volunteer might’ve broken a mower helping someone with their 3 to 4 foot high yard and can use an upgrade donation to continue helping! We are not a junk removal service so we like to ask upfront when listing, the equipment is operational and requires little to no repair costs as we prefer not to pass that on to volunteers where possible.

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