NJLCA Stresses the Danger of Heat Stress
The New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association (NJLCA) takes safety seriously and Heat Stress Illnesses are so important for all outdoor workers, including landscaping, hardscaping, nursery, greenhouse, garden center and agricultural workers. We recommend the following resources to avoid heat stress illness and injury for you and your employees.
Heat calculations:
- The OSHA-NIOSH heat safety tool, available for iPhone and Android in English and Spanish, is a useful resource for planning outdoor work activities based on how hot it feels throughout the day. It has a real-time heat index and hourly forecasts specific to your location. It also provides occupational safety and health recommendations from OSHA and NIOSH.
- National Weather Service (see drop down for options). Includes “Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (°F)” and “HeatRisk Experimental”.
- Heat Index Calculator from the National Weather Service
OSHA Resources:
- Creating a Heat Illness Prevention Plan
- Heat – Overview: Working in Outdoor and Indoor Heat Environments
- Prevent Heat Illness at Work poster, available in English and Spanish
- Prevent Heat Illness at Work pamphlet, available in 21 languages
- OSHA Heat Illness Prevention website
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Factsheet and Heat-related Articles:
- NJAES Factsheet #747: Preventing Heat Stress in Agriculture, updated and published May 2024
- Rutgers Plant and Pest Advisory e-Blast which offers tips each edition to “Beat the Heat”
Recognize Heat Exhaustion vs. Heat Stroke: